George Orwell
1) 1984
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Portrays life in a future time when a totalitarian government watches over all citizens and directs all activities.
In 1984, London is a grim city in the totalitarian state of Oceania where Big Brother is always watching you and the Thought Police can practically read your mind. Winston Smith is a man in grave danger for the simple reason that his memory still functions. Drawn into a forbidden love affair, Winston finds the courage to join a secret...
2) Animal farm
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George Orwell's famous satire of the Soviet Union, in which "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others." A satire on totalitarianism in which farm animals overthrow their human owner and set up their own government.
PERO ALGUNOS ANIMALES SON MÁS IGUALES QUE OTROS». Cuando los maltratados animales de la Granja Señorial se rebelan contra su amo, el señor Jones, y toman el control de la granja, empiezan a creer con fervor en una vida de libertad e igualdad para todos. Sin embargo, poco a poco, el egocéntrico y despiadado Napoleón toma el control y los animales se ven sometidos a la opresión y la violencia de una élite corrupta: los cerdos. A medida que un...
4) 1984
1984 se desarrolla en Londres: su protagonista, Winston Smith, decide rebelarse ante un gobierno totalitario que controla cada uno de los movimientos de sus ciudadanos y castiga incluso a aquellos que delinquen con el pensamiento. Consciente de las terribles consecuencias que puede acarrear la disidencia, Winston se une a la ambigua Hermandad por mediación del líder O'Brien. Sin embargo, nuestro protagonista va comprendiendo que ni la Hermandad...
Honest and evocative, George Orwell's first novel is an examination of the debasing effect of empire on occupied and occupier.
Burmese Days focuses on a handful of Englishmen who meet at the European Club to drink whisky and to alleviate the acute and unspoken loneliness of life in 1920s Burma where Orwell himself served as an imperial policeman during the waning days of British imperialism.
One of the men, James Flory, a timber merchant, has grown...
This edition features George Orwell's best known novels – 1984 and Animal Farm – with an introduction by Christopher Hitchens.
In 1984, London is a grim city where Big Brother is always watching you and the Thought Police can practically read your mind. Winston Smith joins a secret revolutionary organization called The Brotherhood, dedicated to the destruction of the Party. Together with his beloved Julia, he hazards his life in...
In 1984, London is a grim city where Big Brother is always watching you and the Thought Police can practically read your mind. Winston Smith joins a secret revolutionary organization called The Brotherhood, dedicated to the destruction of the Party. Together with his beloved Julia, he hazards his life in...
Dorothy, the heroine of this novel, performs good works, cultivates good thoughts, and pricks her arm with a pin when a bad thought arises. She then has a series of unexpected and degrading adventures after becoming a victim of amnesia. Though she regains her life as a clergyman's daughter, she has lost her faith.
Homage to Catalonia is George Orwell's brutally honest account of his experience as a militiaman during the Spanish Civil War.
In the last days of 1936, Spain was five months into a bitter civil war, in which volunteers from many countries were helping the elected government of the Spanish Republic battle a military coup led by General Francisco Franco and backed by Hitler and Mussolini. Some foreigners flocking to Spain had come for another reason:...
9) 1984
Winston vive aprisionado na engrenagem totalitária de uma sociedade completamente dominada pelo Estado, onde tudo é feito coletivamente, mas cada qual vive sozinho. Ninguém escapa à vigilância do Grande Irmão, a mais famosa personificação literária de um pode cínico e cruel, além de vazio de sentido histórico. De fato, a ideologia do Partido dominante não visa nada de coisa alguma para ninguém, no presente ou no futuro. O´Brien, hierarca...
George Bowling, the hero of this comic novel, is a middle-aged insurance salesman who lives in an average English suburban row house with a wife and two children. One day, after winning some money from a bet, he goes back to the village where he grew up, to fish for carp in a pool he remembers from thirty years before. The pool, alas, is gone, the village has changed beyond recognition, and the principal event of his holiday is an accidental bombing...
A novel by the author of 1984 about a man determined to reject middle-class values who finds living in noble poverty more difficult than expected. Gordon Comstock despises the materialism and shallowness of middle-class life-the worship of money, the striving for dull, stuffy respectability. To live up to his ideals, he quits his lucrative position as an advertising copywriter and devotes himself to poetry and other high-minded pursuits. But low-paid...
Before he authored the dystopian 1984 and the allegorical Animal Farm, George Orwell was a journalist, reporting on England's working class an investigation that led him to examine democratic socialism. In the 1930s, the Left Book Club, a socialist group in England, sent George Orwell to investigate the poverty and mass unemployment in the industrial north of England. Once there, he went beyond the requests of the book club, to investigate the employed...
From the author of 1984, George Orwell narrates the journey of a writer among the down-and-out in two great cities in this sobering, truthful portrayal of poverty and society.
Famous for its realistic and unsentimental description of poverty, Down and Out in London and Paris follows the adventures of a penniless British writer who finds himself rapidly descending into the seedy heart of two great European capitals. As a dishwasher in Paris, he describes...
14) Orwell On Truth
Over the course of his career, George Orwell wrote about many things, but no matter what he wrote the goal was to get at the fundamental truths of the world. He had no place for dissemblers, liars, conmen, or frauds, and he made his feelings well-known. In Orwell on Truth, excerpts from across Orwell’s career show how his writing and worldview developed over the decades, profoundly shaped by his experiences in the Spanish Civil War, and further...
The essential collection of critical essays from a twentieth-century master and author of 1984.
As a critic, George Orwell cast a wide net. Equally at home discussing Charles Dickens and Charlie Chaplin, he moved back and forth across the porous borders between essay and journalism, high art and low.
A frequent commentator on literature, language, film, and drama throughout his career, Orwell turned increasingly to the critical essay in the 1940s,...
Essays by the author of 1984. George Orwell was first and foremost an essayist, producing throughout his life an extraordinary array of short nonfiction that reflected-and illuminated-the fraught times in which he lived. Facing Unpleasant Facts charts Orwell's development as a master of the narrative-essay form and unites such classics as "Shooting an Elephant" with lesser-known journalism and passages from his wartime diary. Whether detailing the...
In this bestselling compilation of essays, written in the clear-eyed, uncompromising language for which he is famous, Orwell discusses with vigor such diverse subjects as his boyhood schooling, the Spanish Civil War, Henry Miller, British imperialism, and the profession of writing.
George Orwell, seudónimo de Eric Blair (1903 - 1950) fue un escritor británico, autor de numerosas obras de éxito, entre ellas: "Revolución en la Granja" y "1984". "Homenaje a Cataluña" de George Orwell es un relato personal y crítico sobre su experiencia durante la Guerra Civil Española, en la que participó como voluntario en las milicias del Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (POUM). La obra no solo es un testimonio directo de los horrores...
Sin blanca en París y Londres es una obra autobiográfica de George Orwell que ofrece una cruda representación de la vida en la pobreza en dos de las principales ciudades europeas. A través de su relato personal, Orwell explora las dificultades cotidianas, la humillación y el desarraigo experimentado por los más desfavorecidos. El autor no solo documenta su propia experiencia como un indigente en París y Londres, sino que también critica el...
Rebelión en la granja es la historia de cómo unos animales de establo consiguieron hacer de la Manor Farm, dirigida por el granjero Joe, un paraíso en la tierra y constituir la Animal Farm. En su último discurso el precursor e ideólogo de la rebelión, el cerdo Major, señaló que una granja distinta era posible, una granja donde las relaciones de subordinación fueran historia, donde no existiera la explotación por parte de los hombres y los...