From the Book - First Touchstone hardcover edition.
Introduction: chronic pain is a blessing disguised as a curse
Cannabis as medicine. Marijuana: the medicine of empowerment ; Getting started ; Understanding the medicine of marijuana ; Choosing your delivery method
Self-care 101: MMJ + holistic medicine = long-lasting pain relief. Inflammation: chill out ; Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis: love your joints ; Low back pain: stretch your body and mind ; Migraine headache: practice self-compassion ; Fibromyalgia: you are your highest priority ; GI dis-ease: IBS, Chrohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis: listen to your gut ; Musculoskeletal (M-S) pain: knees, neck, shoulders, and hips: what's the message? ; Neuropathic (nerve) pain: neuropath, shingles, trigeminal neuralgia, complex regional pain syndrome: surrender ; Dysmenorrhea (mentrual pain): a lesson in self-love ; Alleviating cancer pain: grieve your loss ; Emotional pain: anxiety, insomnia, and depression: I am safe, I am at peace with life
Fully alive: getting high on life!. Cannabis as a sacred herb ; What is your dream?
Conclusion: everything in moderation.