Catalog Search Results

This is a comprehensive treasury of over 4.4 billion records, American genealogical sources including local and family histories, over 700 million records from the U.S. Federal Census 1790-1940, military records, wills and probate records, maps and photos, city directories, and national censuses including Argentina, Netherlands, Czech Republic and several other countries.
In art history, the term Romanesque art distinguishes the period between the beginning of the eleventh and the end of the twelfth century. This era showed a great diversity of regional schools each with their own unique style. In architecture as well as in sculpture, Romanesque art is marked by raw forms. Through its rich iconography and captivating text, this work reclaims the importance of this art which is today often overshadowed by the later...
In Working South, renowned watercolorist Mary Whyte captures in exquisite detail the essence of vanishing blue-collar professions from across ten states in the American South with sensitivity and reverence for her subjects. From the textile mill worker and tobacco farmer to the sponge diver and elevator operator, Whyte has sought out some of the last remnants of rural and industrial workforces declining or altogether lost through changes in our economy,...
3) Art of India
India, with its extensive and colorful history, has produced an artistic tradition in many forms: architecture, painting, sculpture, calligraphy, mosaics, and artisan products all display the country's cultural, religious and philosophical richness. From Hinduism, with its pantheon of imagery of gods, goddesses, animals and many other figures, to Islam, with its astounding architecture and intricate calligraphy, the many facets of India have given...
With its fanlike evergreen fronds, soft trunk, and strong root system, the palmetto is a wind-adapted palm that can bend with strong sea breezes without breaking or being uprooted. Emblematic of survival against opposition, the palmetto tree has captured the imaginations of South Carolinians for generations, appearing on the state seal since the American Revolution and on the state flag since 1861. The palmetto was named South Carolina's official...
5) Gothic Art
Gothic art finds its roots in the powerful architecture of the cathedrals of northern France. It is a medieval art movement that evolved throughout Europe over more than 200 years. Leaving curved Roman forms behind, the architects started using flying buttresses and pointed arches to open up cathedrals to daylight. A period of great economic and social change, the Gothic era also saw the development of a new iconography celebrating the Holy Mary –...
6) Michelangelo
Michelangelo, like Leonardo, was a man of many talents; sculptor, architect, painter and poet, he made the apotheosis of muscular movement, which to him was the physical manifestation of passion. He moulded his draughtsmanship, bent it, twisted it, and stretched it to the extreme limits of possibility. There are not any landscapes in Michelangelo's painting. All the emotions, all the passions, all the thoughts of humanity were personified in his eyes...
7) On war
Clausewitz had many aphorisms, of which the most famous is, "War is not merely a political act, but also a political instrument, a continuation of political relations, a carrying out of the same by other means," a working definition of war which has won wide acceptance..
8) What is art?
While Tolstoy may be best remembered as the talented Russian author of such monumentally great works as "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina", he also wrote prolifically in essay format on various subjects. In this volume Tolstoy turns his attention to the study of aesthetics and art in all its forms. Based on fifteen years of research, "What is Art?" is Tolstoy's intellectual exposition into answering the titular question. Rich with criticism for his...
Over the course of several centuries, Venice fashioned and refined a portrait of itself that responded to and exploited historical circumstance. Never conquered and taking its enduring independence as a sign of divine favor, free of civil strife and proud of its internal stability, Venice broadcast the image of itself as the Most Serene Republic, an ideal state whose ruling patriciate were selflessly devoted to the commonweal. All this has come to...
Ilustrado por los alumnos de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, este libro repasa la historia del arte desde fines de la Edad Media hasta el periodo barroco, considerando el contexto histórico y sus artistas más representativos.
Toma en cuenta la escultura, la pintura, la arquitectura, con interpretaciones precisas sobre las obras de los italianos Giotto, Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Miguel Ángel,...
11) Expressionism
Max Beckmann, Otto Dix, George Grosz, Emil Nolde, E.L. Kirchner, Paul Klee, Franz Marc as well as the Austrians Oskar Kokoschka and Egon Schiele were among the generation of highly individual artists who contributed to the vivid and often controversial new movement in early twentieth-century Germany and Austria: Expressionism. This publication introduces these artists and their work. The author, art historian Ashley Bassie, explains how Expressionist...
An excellent overview of the Impressionist movement, from its early influences of English landscapes by J.M.W. Turner and John Constable to the major Impressionist artists living and working in Paris. This volume includes illustrations, portraits and information about the significant painters from this period including Édouard Manet, Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro and August Renoir. Also included are lesser-known Impressionist painters such as...
Curator and writer Lori Zimmer investigates the rise in popularity of spray paint and the explosion of mural festivals around the world, and she provides an intimate look at the work of some of the world's leading artists, who use spray for myriad reasons and styles. Complete with DIY tricks to fine-tune your spray skills, find out why spray paint has risen to become the hot medium around the globe.--
18) Art Nouveau
Art Nouveau gives a name to the decorative and architectural style developed in the 1880s and 1890s in the West. Born in reaction to the Industrial Revolution and to the creative vacuum it left behind, Art Nouveau was at the heart of a "renaissance" in the decorative arts. The primary objective of the movement was the creation of a new aesthetic of nature through a return to the study of natural subjects. In order to achieve this, artists such as...
Mega Square In Praise of the Backside celebrates the most sensual part of the female body. The insightful text by Hans-Jürgen Döpp discusses the backside as a feature that stands for both powerful eroticism and supple femininity, seducing famous artists from every genre. This title is sure to entice and delight a wide audience with its lively, provocative images.
20) Rococo
Deriving from the French word rocaille, in reference to the curved forms of shellfish, and the Italian barocco, the French created the term 'Rococo.' Appearing at the beginning of the 18th century, it rapidly spread to the whole of Europe. Extravagant and light, Rococo responded perfectly to the spontaneity of the aristocracy of the time. In many aspects, this art was linked to its predecessor, Baroque, and it is thus also referred to as late Baroque...