Catalog Search Results

This is a comprehensive treasury of over 4.4 billion records, American genealogical sources including local and family histories, over 700 million records from the U.S. Federal Census 1790-1940, military records, wills and probate records, maps and photos, city directories, and national censuses including Argentina, Netherlands, Czech Republic and several other countries.
Sixteen-year-old Katya Spivak is out for a walk on the gracious streets of Bayhead Harbor with her two summer babysitting charges when she's approached by silver-haired, elegant Marcus Kidder. At first his interest in her seems harmless, even pleasant; like his name, a sort of gentle joke. His beautiful home, the children's books he's written, his classical music, the marvelous art in his study, his lavish presents to her — Mr. Kidder's life