Catalog Search Results

The 2025 Community Conversation series is focused on belonging and understanding. The series explores themes of identity, connection, and mutual respect and aims to inspire a deeper understanding of others and create a space where everyone feels valued and heard. It encourages participants to share their stories, learn from one another, educate themselves, and build a stronger sense of community.
See the list of Community Conversation events on the library calendar. For more details, including resources on the 2025 theme, visit the 2025 Community Conversations web page, or contact Caroline Kenney, Goffstown Public Library Head of Adult Services and Outreach at 603-497-2102, or by email.
He was playing a dangerous masquerade...Griff Knighton′s found the perfect way to avoid being trapped into marriage with one of the Earl of Swanlea′s daughters: he′ll swap identities with his man of affairs during their next visit to Swan Park, and be free to pursue his own desires! After all, he′s not about to marry some homely spinster just to claim his rightful title. But Griff didn′t reckon on the brazen,
...10) Already home
11) Every day
12) Dangerous tides
14) Slightly married
Meet the Bedwyns: six brothers and sisters—men and women of passion and privilege, daring and sensuality. Enter their dazzling world of high society and breathtaking seduction, where each will seek love, fight temptation, and court scandal—and where Aidan Bedwyn, the marriage-shy second son, discovers that...