Catalog Search Results

The 2025 Community Conversation series is focused on belonging and understanding. The series explores themes of identity, connection, and mutual respect and aims to inspire a deeper understanding of others and create a space where everyone feels valued and heard. It encourages participants to share their stories, learn from one another, educate themselves, and build a stronger sense of community.
See the list of Community Conversation events on the library calendar. For more details, including resources on the 2025 theme, visit the 2025 Community Conversations web page, or contact Caroline Kenney, Goffstown Public Library Head of Adult Services and Outreach at 603-497-2102, or by email.
1) Daisy Miller
2) Nana
6) No name
8) Middlemarch
11) Remember me?
Here is the first thing you need to know about me: I’m a barefoot girl from red-dirt Oklahoma, and all the marble floors in the world will never change that.
Here is the second thing: that young woman they pulled from the Arabian shore, her hair tangled with mangrove—my husband didn’t kill her, not the way they say he did.
1967. Gin Mitchell knows a better life awaits her when